Friday, February 28, 2020

Rhino Versus Grizzly Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rhino Versus Grizzly - Case Study Example The Grizzly seems eminently more useful for tackling difficult terrain and for crossing steeper hills. (2008) gives a detailed review of the Grizzly in which it was put through very difficult terrain yet it floated over downhill areas, handled steep climbs with ease and had a light steering which was very easy to use. With glowing praise for the machine, the review concluded that â€Å"A recurring theme among the testers was how light and neutral it felt in the really hairy stuff, a quad that, in most cases, you could ride like an extension of yourself (, 2008, Pg. 1). The ease of riding this machine over almost unsurpassable terrain makes it a winner when compared to the Rhino. However, the Rhino scores better when it comes to safety since it has a roll cage which many other ATVs such as the grizzly lack (Chicas, 2003)., (2007) explains why such cages may not be necessary while traversing dunes but the safety advantages gained by having this cage are certainly appreciated. The reviewers also noted the presence of cup holders and things such as passenger grab handles which can help create a more comfortable riding experience for the passenger as well as the driver. This makes the Rhino a better bet for dealing with flat surfaces and driving over sand dunes but it lacks the power to carry a full load of two passengers and their gear over steep gradients or tricky terrain. While the Rhino appears to be easier to drive and to use since it is comparable more to a mini SUV than an all-out ATV such as the Grizzly, the Grizzly is a more capable ATV since with similar engine sizes, it carried a far lighter load which can allow the engine to go further as compared to the Rhino. Essentially, it is quite clear that both of the vehicles are quite capable in their own right.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

International Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

International Business Strategy - Essay Example To thrive in international business, a firm needs to have excellent international business strategies. These strategies will determine and guide the commercial transactions between firms located in different countries (Hill and Jones, 2012). There are several theoretical models that have been advanced to explain the significance and impacts of international business strategies. The three most used ones, according to Peng (2013), are the industry-based view, the resource-based view, and the institution-based view. Depending on which model was adopted, different strategies can be arrived at by firms to gain a competitive advantage over competitors in an industry (Frynas and Mellahi, 2011). This paper examines the operations, performance and strategies used by SolarWorld USA. It identifies the competitive forces affecting global solar energy, evaluates the resources and capabilities of SolarWorld USA, determine the institutional forces that shape the emergence and the evolution of the industry and, finally, recommend strategic measures that SolarWorld USA can implement to maximize its profitability in light of its declining global market share. This is a view that explains that the firms in a particular industry are influenced by competitive forces in that industry (Peng, 2013). As such, the firm’s strategies will be influenced by the presence of these forces, or lack thereof. These forces were identified and identified by Porter as the bargaining power of suppliers, buyers bargaining power, threats of new entrants, rivalry among firms already in existence, and the threats posed by substitutes (Porter, 2008). Figure 1 shows how these forces interact to determine the firm’s decisions. The global solar industry, just like any other industry, is influenced by these five forces. The bargaining power of the customers determines pricing