Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leadership Sustain Outstanding Leadership

Question: Discuss about the Report for Leadership of Sustain Outstanding Leadership. Answer: Introduction It is evident that leading a team may require real skills, time and proper dedication. In addition, leadership is the most studied aspect of business and organization since it is an overarching topic that makes the difference between the success as well as the failure. In this context, Boyatzis (2013) added that leadership is the behaviour of an individual performing the activities of group on a shared goal. Leadership is considered as the influential increment over the mechanical compliance with the routine directive of the company. Many researches performed on leadership indicate that most definition of leadership reflect the assumption that it includes a process whereby intentional influences is exerted over other people to structure, guide and facilitate activities as well as relationship in an organization and group. The purpose of the essay to understand how the quality of leadership influence the work culture, performance and employees. In order to understand the influence of leadership three different working scenario of have been selected namely CEO of a multinational company, leader in sales representation and leader in Hollywood. The role of leadership in the respective areas are different. The current essay focuses on the types of leadership required on the above-mentioned areas. Analysis The leadership role of a CEO of multinational company There have been many universal leadership principles that have been recognised as the effective while employing specially in the multinational organization. It is further identified that effective leadership in multinational organization could be achieved by employing three primary leadership style namely vision, mobilizing people toward the change; serving by building emotional bonds and leading others to greatness, by developing people for future responsibility. The Chief executive officer of a multinational organization usually follow organizational vision and mobilize people towards the change (Bryman, 2013). When the CEO of the company plays the role of a leader, the person plays the role of advising the Board, advocating and promoting organization as well as stakeholder change in respect to organizational mission. In addition, the CEO also supports the motivation of employees at each level in organizational operation. Furthermore, the CEO also play the role in decision-making. The CEO of the company tends to formulate the policies as well as planning recommendations to the board. As mentioned by Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee (2013), the CEO of some of the large organizations determines the courses of action in operation by employees. The chief officer of multinational organizations could also supervise the overall operation of the organization. Therefore, this particular style of leading the operation is known as the democratic style of leadership. As opined by Men and Stacks (2013), democratic leadership in an organization includes the redistribution of power and the authority between the staff and managers to make employee engagement in the decision-making process. As the CEO of the company plays the role of utilizing the vision and encouraging people towards the change, it is necessary for the person to involve in decision-making. This is because the CEO of the company has to come up with the clear purpose of the change. Thus, the change in the organization may not be implemented without involving the employees in the process. In such a case, the leader at the top or the CEO of the company could usually think of involving the employees in decision of adopting change in the operation. Thus, to implement any change in the organization, it is necessary to communicate the purpose and benefits of change to each level of employees (Choudhary, Akhtar Zaheer, 2013). In addition, for any structural improvement in the organization, the leader or the person who is sitting at the top of the company follows implements the principles of democratic leadership style. Leader in sales representation: As mentioned by Hackman and Johnson (2013), sales productivity is one of the most areas of business. It has been identified that effective leadership is not about making speeches; leadership is not defined by the outcome, not the attributes. It is evident that sales leadership require a proper vision. While sales management vastly occurs at the tactical, the sales leadership is more about building the high level, proper vision and big picture. In this context, Robertson and Barling (2013) commented that sales leadership is strategic. This means it appears as the result of the sales that comes as the leader sets the vision at the time of defining the culture of the sales organization. Furthermore, it has also been identified that the leader in sales management sets the plans, define as well as communicate the sales techniques and potential drivers of sales effectiveness. Eventually, the sales leaders should have to empower their sales manager to succeed. In addition, the sales managem ent includes the regular execution to maintain the sales margin as per the requirement. The role of leadership in the sales representation can be differentiated based on good and inspirational leadership. For example, a good sales leader could set clear goal and realistic execution target. On the contrary, the inspirational leader sometimes may set unachievable target to inspire quantum leap investment (Aydin, Sarier Uysal, 2013). In addition, the leader in the sales representation, the consistent motivational approach with other employees in the group or team to maintain fairness in the service. Furthermore, a good leader in sales tends to motivate teaming and include shared team incentives. The leader also plays the role of creating and arranging meeting and formal processes to develop the cross functional collaboration. These features or ways of leading the team are matching with the principles of participative leadership style. As opined by Clarke (2013), the participatory leadership style focuses on developing a democratic dimension management that has usually been top-down as well as hierarchical in nature. On the contrary, Wong and Laschinger (2013) commented that participatory leadership is considered as the management style mostly used by a considerable number of organizations. One sort of participatory leadership is considered as the representative leadership in which a team of employees is involved in organizational decision-making. In addition to all these, the participative leader, instead of taking the autocratic management decision, they tend to involve other people in the process. The leaders in sales management usually make decisions, listen to feedback and then take the final decisions (Matsa Miller, 2013). The process of managing a sales team is similar to participative leadership style. Leadership in Hollywood It has been identified that leadership in Hollywood provide an interactive program where each participant could view its community close and work together to gain unique knowledge of resources as well as the services available in Hollywood platform. While performing the activities in Hollywood, the leader sets the schedule day that provide an interactive forum through the interface as well as the communication with others. More specifically, certain areas of leadership in Hollywood that should be considered while performing the role of leader. These areas may include the experience, vision and program objectives. The leaders in Hollywood play a crucial role since the leaders have certain responsibilities that should be performed effectively. The leaders in Hollywood need to have certain skills such as technical skills and managing skill. The leaders have to select the people who have intensive knowledge in technology since technology is a major part of Hollywood movies. In addition to this, the leader in Hollywood such as the Executive producer has to manage the whole operation of each department. The departments includes technical, directorial department, finance department, art team and production department. The executive producer has to identify the issues occurring while performing the activities in each department. Based on the identified issues, the executive producer has to provide the solution. However, in order to manage the overall operation, it is necessary for the executive producer who plays the role of leadership must have effective communication skills. If the communication is not developed properly, it could be difficult for the leader to identify the potential issues and make appropriate decisions. In f act, the executive producer must have the decision-making skills, as there have been many scenario where the scheduled deadline of the work has to be changed. In such case, the whole operation is delayed; thus, the executive producer take the decision to further prepare schedule of work. The executive producer who plays the role of leadership implement the principles of autocratic leadership style. As mentioned by Krasikova, Green and LeBreton (2013), autocratic leaders tend to view themselves as the core of the whole operation. In addition, in autocratic leadership, the one person make all strategic decisions for others who involved the team. For example, the Executive producer has to make all strategic decisions. It is also observed that the autocratic leaders usually take decision or make the choice based on their own ideas as well as the judgment. In Hollywood, the Executive producer and the producer implements the decisions on the techniques, the goals and the objectives. In this context, Ertureten, Cemalcilar and Aycan (2013) opined that in autocratic leadership style, the team members are not wholly trusted with the tasks and process. Conclusion On the completion of the essay, it can be mentioned that leadership is a kind of behaviour that could influence others. Therefore, the effective leadership is referred to a person who has the ability to move others towards a common direction for the benefits of all. The principle of participative leadership indicate that leadership could reflect an increased commitment to work with effective collaboration to achieve common goals. The discussion in the essay indicate that leadership in each mentioned scenario is different and it is based on the type of tasks they perform. However, the critical analysis implies that the definition of leadership has not yet not been developed. There is a number of room to explain each aspect of leadership. References: Aydin, A., Sarier, Y., Uysal, S. (2013). The Effect of School Principals' Leadership Styles on Teachers' Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 13(2), 806-811. Boyatzis, R. E. (2013). When pulling to the negative emotional attractor is too much or not enough to inspire and sustain outstanding leadership. 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