Wednesday, May 6, 2020

When You Know Yourself You Are Empowered - 1627 Words

When you know yourself you are empowered. When you accept yourself you are invincible. -Tina Lifford I think that knowing myself is important on a professional and personal level. It is important on a professional level, because I am able to know what my boundaries are and what I am comfortable with. It also helps me put myself in positions where I can use my talents and skills to their fullest capacity, and ultimately allows me to serve to the best of my ability. When it comes to the personal level, it helps me feel empowered and confident in who I am as a person. It gives me the courage to then accept myself; the good and the bad. I have spent quite a bit of time trying to figure this out, and, to be honest, I am not sure I have gotten it down. Nevertheless, I have realized that I can be a complex person and there are aspects such as my strengths, weaknesses, career interests and challenges, and how I deal with them, that has contributed to who I am. My Strengths One of my biggest strengths would be my love and interest in people. I have always wanted to be in a profession that involved helping people in one way or another. I value the relationships that I have and enjoy forming new ones. I think that human interactions are important for me because I can always learn something for them. Sometimes people can have good advice that stem from their own experiences, or sometimes they just know things that you might not have thoughtShow MoreRelatedWhy Is Self Awareness A Prerequisite For An Intimate Relationship?1680 Words   |  7 Pageshave most likely been controlling you and affecting the ways in which you react and behave in dating and relationships. Not being aware of the power these factors exert over you leads you to sabotage your attempts at developing a successful intimacy. Summary 1: What is Self-Awareness? Self-awareness is self-understanding and self-knowledge. It s getting to know your true, genuine self. 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