Sunday, May 17, 2020

Othello Questions - 1696 Words

Act 1 Scene 1 Questions 1. From Roderigo’s first speech it appears that he paid Iago for something? Can you tell what it is? So that he will help win over Desdemona’s heart 2. Iago say he hates Othello for what reason? Iago hates Othello because he didn’t get the promotion and Michael Cassio did and Iago thinks he is the one who deserves it 3. What does Iago say of Cassio? Iago says that Cassio is undeserving as he has no experience and only has book knowledge 4. What two kinds of followers are there, according to Iago? The loyal who will follow their leader to death and the ones who will act like that but are really plotting against him 5. Shortly after this, Iago speaks about appearance and reality. He concludes â€Å"I am not what I am†.†¦show more content†¦He defends Cassio and says that he does not know who started it ‘I do not know.’ (2.3.160) 3. What makes Iago a villain in this scene? Iago can easily play a friend and always look sorrowful yet behind their backs he is plotting against them. Iago is seen as honest, ‘honest Iago, that looks dead with grieving’ (2.3.158) and 4. Try to translate Iago’s key speech line by line if possible line 303 – 329. Remember we can’t know exactly what Shakespeare meant so it’s up to you!!! How can someone say I am evil when I do a lot of great things? Act 3 Scene 3 1. For what two reasons does Desdemona agree to plead Cassio’s case? Cassio and Othello have been friends for so long and Desdemona would hate to see that go to waste ‘You do love my lord, you have known him long’ (3.3.10-11) and Desdemona believes Cassio to be an honest man. 2. What is Iago referring to when he says, â€Å"Ha! I like not that.† Cassio leaving quickly when Iago and Othello arrives so that he can plant a seed of doubt about Cassio and Desdemona’s relationship ‘Cassio, my lord?... I cannot think†¦/ that he would steal away so guilty-like,/ seeing you coming’ (3.3.38-39) 3. Desdemona pleads Cassio’s case, and Othello agrees to reinstate him. What happens next? Othello starts to distance himself more and asks Desdemona to leave him alone ‘I do beseech thee,†¦/ leave me but a little to myself’ (3.3.84-85) the seed of doubt has been planted 4. After OthelloShow MoreRelatedOthello Study Guide Questions Essay3842 Words   |  16 PagesBrabantio comes down? Iago and Roderigo wake up Brabantio to spoil his happiness by telling him the Desdemona ran off with Othello. Brabantio is originally angry because he had told them not to come around him house, but is even more angry when he finds out that Desdemona is missing. Iago quietly slips away because he doesn’t want anybody to know that he isn’t loyal to Othello. 3. Explain the relationship between Iago and Roderigo. Who seems to be ‘in control’. 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